
कहल जायत अछि जे जोड़ी स्वर्ग सं निर्धारित होईत अछि । शादी विवाह जनम जनम के रिश्ता के गठबंधन देबाक एकटा निमित मात्र अछि । कन्यादान के एक हजार अश्वमेघ यज्ञ के तुलना मे राखल गेल अछि । लेकिन मिथिला मे कन्यादान आई अभिशाप किया बनल अछि ? किया आई लड़की के पिता के ठाम ठाम पर अपमानित होबाई padait अछि । हमरा याद अछि मिथिला मे पहिल सवाल मूल और पेंज सं होइत छलैक बाद मे ई सवाल गाम और परिवार सं पूछल जायत छलैक । आई ई सवाल पैसा के लेल पूछल जायत छैक । एक तरह सं देखी त लड़की के महत्ता नही कल छालिक नही आई । किछु सो काल्ड मोडेर्ण परिवार के daba chhainha je kanyaadaan मे हुंकार प्राथमिकता लड़की के शिक्षा और ओकर गुण अछि । लेकिन हुनका सं पूछल जाय जे ई गुणवती अगर कुनो गरीब बाप के बेटी होई त हुनका कबूल होइतन । ई ढोंग आई मिथिला के हर क्लास मे मौजूद अछि । एक दू बरस सं घटकैती करबाक सौभाग्य आ दुर्भाग्य हमरा प्राप्त भेल अछि । हमर किछु chir परिचित लोक के ई भान छान्ही जे पत्रकार के बूते सब किछु संभव छैक या हुनकर पहुच सब ठाम छैन्ही । शहर मे गाम सं आयल युवक gaamak putuliya सं बेसी प्रभावित करैत छैक त अहिठामक कैम्पस । गामक पुतुलिया अहिठामक माडर्न बाला के सामने बिल्कुल फीका हुनका लगैत छैन । मन मंदिर मे उतरल ओही छाप के hatenai युवक के लेल आसान नही होइत छैक । शादी विवाह क चर्चा के समय युवक के पुछबाक रिबाज आब जरूर शरू भेल अच्छी लेकिन प्रेफेरेंस के मामले मे एखनो पिता के वीटो असरदार सावित होइत अच्छी ।
लड़का के ईछा छानी देलही मे पढाई करे वाली प्रीति सं बात चले लेकिन पिताजी के बरहामपुर के कुशे बाबु पसंद छथिन । पसंदक कारण सबके बुझाल छैक । यानी पैसा एक प्रभावी मुद्दा अच्छी । लेकिन किछु बात आयो अजीबो गरीब लागी सकैत अच्छी । जेना राम बाबु के बेटा शिक्षा मित्र छथिन महज ५ हजार रू पब्बैत छथिन लेकिन माँग ६ लाख । ओहिगाम के अवधेश बाबु के बेटा देलही मे कंप्यूटर इंजिनियर छथिन लेकिन हुनकर दाम ३ लाख सं बेसी नही छनि । कियाक अहाँ बेहतर समझी सकैत छी । लड़की मेडिकल मे पढैत अच्छी माई बाप तैओ दहेज़ जुटाबे मे पस्त छथि । मानू मिथिला मे इन्स्ताल्मेंट culture नही जगह बना सकल अच्छी । हलाकि मिथिला मे अफ्बाह के लोग बहुत तरजीह नही delkhin लेकिन शादी विवाह के मामले मे अफ्बाह के पूरा सम्मान भेटैत अच्छी । फल्लन के ५ लाख भेटल ई मानू जे मार्केट के रेट भाई गेल .लेकिन अहि मे जे सब सं बेसी दुर्गति छैक ओ घटक के होअत छैक । अमूमन घटक वकालत लड़की वाला के तरफ सं करैत छथि अहि हालत मे हुनकर स्थिति के कल्पना अहाँ खुद कई सकैत छी ।
कही सकैत छी जे घर जरा क होम करे वला बात सिद्ध होयत अच्छी .


vinod kumar mishra ने कहा…

Kashmir ... a heaven on earth... a paradise which has been lost. A beautiful kashmir which is symbol of unity in diversity. you can call kashmir by thousands name . However some beneficiaries of modern world know kashmir as a hot cake . India is natural stake holder. Pakistan's claim that Kashmir is its jugular vein. America keeping its eyes on kashmir. Britain has its historic background . religious leader have their own claim . terrorists have own interest in kashmir. main stream political leaders have their own interest. in this way we can say that one kashmir has one dozen stake holders... every stake holder has perfect logic to claim on kashmir...Kashmiri pandit is original stake holder of kashmir . They claim their roots from kashyap rishi. No doubt kasmiri pandit is original inhabitants of valley . however original inhabitants are out of the race. The Mass exodus has changed the scenario and more than three lakhs kashmiri pandit was compailed to leave kashmir.The ancient inscription , religious text, travel documents of religious leaders and merchants autobiogrph described kashmir as a head of Bharatvarsh . Rajtarangni (The first written historic book ) describe kashmir as a most important part of Indian civilisation.Kalhan was first historian who not only described kashmir 's demogeography but also described strategic importance of kashmir. people say that kashmir is best example of Mini India.
co-existance has been culture of kashmir since 200 BC. Ancient India vaishnav and Budhist were main inhabitants of kashmir. in Gupta period Budhist was main inhabitants of kashmir. But during mughal period scenario had been changed and muslim became majority of society.
But people never thought any communal differences in society.
Recently Sayed Salahudin has appealed his gunmen that militants should avoid violence during election process in Kashmir . however he claims that boycott process will be continued.
In this way every so called stake holder of kashmir has created confusion in public . Dr. farooq Abdullah used to demand destroy the terrorist infrastructure in pakistan. but whenever he does not in power suggest govt. to talk with terrorist. in power Forooq didnot see human right violations in kashmir. but now he demands demelitrisation and abuse government on human right violation. In power Mufti mohammad sayed used tough stand against terrorist. Mufti had destroyed JKLF terrorist network when he was home minister of India. However during 2002 assembly election he got major support of Hizbul Mujahiddin. This is not first example of double standared of political leaders of kashmir. Kashmir is a blank cheque for politician, militants, seperatist, bureaucrats, army, media and for some peacemaker.
Then how can you imagine resolution of kashmir problem.

Posted by vinod kumar mishra at 2:33 AM 0
dhiraj74 ने कहा…

Let's acknowledge we have failed to curb dowry syestem in our society be it as a groom when we are mute spectators to the demand of dowry our parents asked or later, ourselves as father. We have witnessed the change in generations, but we have failed to change the ill traditions. Rather, we have been responsible to promulgate the same. We have kept up the tradition so much so that the dowry system is in our culture and we hardly feel it is a shameful act. Ironically, we take pride in accepting/ receiving dowry as a mark of achievement or success guaged on social barometer.

Additionally, the search of B Dai (another name of Buchchi Dai after her remake as a modern girl in KANYADAN written by renowned writer Prof Hari Mohan Jha) by prospective grooms has been so intense, we are noticing many Maithils getting married to Non Maithil girls.

Another trend which is worth noticing, Maithil girls too are getting married to Non Maithil matches as they find difficult to find suitable Maithil boys with in affordable limits.

Clearly, there is no quick solution to this unless we all outrightly reject dowry from today. In the long term, what can help, we give equal rights to our daughters lke our sons in terms of getting quality education and parental assets. Otherwise, unfortunately, we would continue to percieve them liabililities.
dhiraj74 ने कहा…
Thanks for bringing old facts about Kashmir.

Hope all the stakeholders would honestly realise the importance of rich history of Kashmir, to a better sense to prevail.

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